Licence #2888
Midlands Apiaries Ltd
Mount Somers
Mount Somers from Midland Apiaries
High quality, genuine, authentic, raw Manuka Honey with an approach to family friendly affordability.
A comprehensive range of UMF Quality Mark Manuka honey comparable to leading brands in the market at a price point that provides entry level opportunity.
Mount Somers is exceptionally good Manuka Honey without the additional costs of fancy labels and ingenious packaging, clever and expensive marketing.
Put simply we are happy to take the ‘Pepsi challenge’ with any competitor brand. We believe that the consumer can judge for them selves.

Product Types
Licence #2888
Midlands Apiaries Ltd
Midlands Apiaries Ltd is the largest privately owned producer/pack of honey in New Zealand. Midlands Apiaries are specialists in Manuka Honey and Native Floral verities. Our apiary has a history dating back almost 100 years and as well as providing finest quality honey, it also provides pollination services to the Midlands Seeds Ltd.
We also produce most other honey floral varieties. We are large enough to have corporate organisational disciplines and structure but being privately owned allows us to be innovatively strong and work with flexibility, agility and speed.
Midlands is one of the only producers with facilities that are both SQF and Organic certified. We are also RMP, FDA, Kosher, Halal, Kiwi Made and Fern mark certified. For most major retailers SQF certification is a pre requisite.
We have an unparalleled raw material supply chain supported by both our own beehives and a comprehensive networks or beekeepers in both islands and every region of New Zealand. We have dedicated honey procurement expertise and understand, monitor and work with the potential honey output from each area of New Zealand.
We supply many of the world’s largest retailers with private label product and also have a number of our own brands.
Midlands Apiaries also has the newest large scale production facility for Honey in New Zealand. Our systems, practices and quality are unmatched. Current capacity is approaching 115 metric tonnes per week.
We offer what we call the ‘Total Honey Solution’ we produce packed jar honey of all varieties, we produce Manuka honey from UMF5 to UMF31 or MGO30 to MGO1722.
Additionally we also produce honey crystals, powder, lozenges and snap packs of any Manuka grade or NZ Honey floral variety. Our NPD is on trend or ahead of the curve with a continuous process of new product and brand introductions.