Honey has been valued and the collecting of honey honoured by civilisations for millennia – but unique New Zealand mānuka honey's health properties are recognised worldwide and sought out as an incomparable, delicious, natural health food.


麦卢卡蜂蜜源于特别的麦卢卡树(Leptospermum scoparium)及其无与伦比的花朵。 |
怀卡托大学发表在《新植物学家》上的研究表明,麦卢卡花的产蜜部位(或”蜜腺”)会产生一种不寻常的花蜜,蜜蜂会将其转化为麦卢卡蜂蜜。 |
麦卢卡树不仅能够像其他植物一样在叶子中进行光合作用,它们的蜜腺也能进行光合作用,进而生成花蜜糖和其他有效成分,这些成分赋予麦卢卡蜂蜜特有的强大特性,称为“麦卢卡独特因子™”或 UMF™。 |
通过Manuka ID项目,UMFHA主导的研究确定了麦卢卡蜂蜜中的2000多种天然成分,表明它比其他11种知名蜂蜜复杂得多。 |
在这些成分中,对潜在的甲基戊二醛和独麦素的识别和理解进展迅速。 |
近千年来,新西兰土著毛利人已经了解麦卢卡树及其花蜜的非凡特性。 |
几个世纪以来,麦卢卡蜂蜜的重要性体现在它在传统疗法中发挥的作用,其重要性甚至在毛利人创世故事中得到认可。 |

Our Place and a Very Special Tree
New Zealand’s mānuka honey is, we think, the finest in the world – and it starts with New Zealand’s unique mānuka tree.
“Ranginui (sky father) and Papatūānuku (earth mother) were locked in an eternal embrace. Their children became frustrated with the cramped conditions and decided to separate their parents — Tane Mahuta (god of the forests) lay on his back and forced his parents apart. He adorned Ranginui with the sun, moon and the stars. He also cloaked his mother with trees. Tane Mahuta had a union with Tawake-toro which gave rise to Mānuka. Tane Mahuta also introduced all our native tree species, native birds, and insects. Tane Mahuta also breathed life into the first female giving rise to humankind.”
Te Ara – The Encyclopaedia of New Zealand
A Millennium of Healing
Māori used a range of traditional methods to deal with illness, and plants such as kawakawa, harakeke (flax), kōwhai and mānuka were all important for healing. Today rongoā – Māori medicine – is seeing a resurgence of interest.
Mānuka bark infusions were historically used as a sedative, to treat stomach ailments, and to bring relief from urinary problems. Balms were made of the ash and gum to treat scalds and burns. The vapour of the boiled leaves was used to treat coughs and colds.
Māori regard mānuka as a taonga, or ‘sacred treasure’ – and so do we. In modern times the mānuka tree is also recognised as giving life to the forest, because it provides low cover under which the giants of New Zealand’s bush become established and then grow to become the home of our famous birdlife.
When Europeans arrived on Aotearoa’s shores, they too were quick to discover the uses of mānuka. On Captain Cook’s voyages his crew boiled its leaves to make tea. They even brewed mānuka beer, described as “exceedingly palatable and esteemed by everyone on board.”
Today, essential oils from mānuka leaves are found in all sorts of health and wellness products; and our authentic mānuka honey is enjoyed across the world.
Founding the Modern Mānuka Honey Industry
In 1997, leading New Zealand mānuka honey producers, marketers, and researchers came together to pioneer the science of mānuka honey. Engaging specialist scientists and building a network of global partners, they sought to better understand the compounds, benefits, and mechanisms that make our mānuka honey truly remarkable.
Today the UMFHA continues to strive for excellence. As an independent organisation, working with specialists around the world, we uphold standards for mānuka honey and certify the unique compounds and quality in every batch of mānuka honey that carries UMF™ certification.

新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜爱好者遍布全球至少60多个国家,他们创造了自己的方式,将麦卢卡蜂蜜融入其日常生活,以促进健康的生活方式。 |
最普遍的吃法可能是直接挖一勺享用,其次是往最喜欢的茶甚至热水中加一勺蜂蜜。 |
它用作天然甜味剂,特别是用于健康的麦片顶料、添加到冰沙中,或想为早餐增添美味时食用。 |
麦卢卡蜂蜜在许多国家/地区用作天然护肤品,可以直接涂在皮肤上,混入天然护肤霜中,也可以作为商店购买的护肤产品的成分(一定要认准UMF™质量标志)。 |
无论是吮吸含片、棒棒糖还是直接舀一大勺品尝,麦卢卡蜂蜜都可以舒缓喉咙疼痛并缓解咳嗽。 |

对麦卢卡蜂蜜潜在应用的研究不断持续,已有数百篇已发表的科学论文记录在案。 |
初步研究在早期确定了麦卢卡蜂蜜在辅助伤口护理方面的潜在应用。 |
根据此研究结果,已经有一系列该领域的产品面世,从软膏到注入麦卢卡蜂蜜的绷带。 |
研究已经取得了进展,特别是化合物甲基戊二醛 (MGO) 和独麦素的作用已经在实验室研究中引起了注意。 |
如今我们知道,食用后,独麦素会穿过肠道进入血液,这证实了它有可能成为天然保健品。 |
研究人员特别感兴趣的三个领域包括: |
MGO的抗菌潜力和新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜的非过氧化物作用 |
在实验室研究中初步确定的抗炎潜力 |
在体外试验和大量麦卢卡蜂蜜研究中发现的抗氧化作用。 |

UMF蜂蜜协会对麦卢卡蜂蜜的质量和等级进行认证,麦卢卡蜂蜜用于越来越多的产品,适合注重自然、健康生活方式的群体。 |
无论是涂抹在皮肤或头发上,还是咀嚼、吸食或消化,只要了解产品中的麦卢卡蜂蜜均经过UMF™认证,便会让您相信制造商致力于为您提供最好的产品。 |
它的全称是甲基乙二醛 (Methylglyoxal),是黄金麦卢卡蜂蜜特殊抗菌特性的来源,也是重要的功效指标。 |
MGO越高,MGO的浓度越强。 |
UMF™质量保证意味着您可以确信,带有UMF™标志的麦卢卡蜂蜜包含特殊活性。 |
将花粉用于麦卢卡标准有两个主要挑战。 |
首先是蜜蜂飞来飞去收集花蜜时很可能会拾取不同的花粉。 |
这意味着,当蜜蜂在许多不同类型的花朵上停留后,麦卢卡花粉很容易混入非麦卢卡蜂蜜,使得非麦卢卡蜂蜜看起来像麦卢卡蜂蜜。 |
其次,有些花粉在显微镜下看起来与麦卢卡非常相似,除了最有经验的麦卢卡蜂蜜专业科学家和技术人员能够评估质量和纯正度外,其他人都看不出区别。 |
研究还发现,花粉DNA会逐渐降解,因此以其作为标记物并不可靠。 |
We are often asked, “Why is mānuka honey so expensive compared to other honey?” First and foremost it is important to recognize that UMF certified New Zealand mānuka honey is a natural health and wellness product. Rather than comparing it with other honey in your supermarket, it makes more sense to compare it with other specialized natural health products.
When we look at the scarcity of the product, the challenges sourcing wild mānuka honey from deep in forests, the testing and care taken to nurture the honey so it arrives in countries around the world in top condition, tests to validate the bio-activity, and the procedures put in place to ensure sure each jar meets the different regulations for natural health products in countries around the world, it turns out that mānuka honey is actually a relatively well-priced natural health product.
独麦素已被确定为新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜纯正度的关键标志。 |
它只能由麦卢卡树生成,无法人工制造。 |
只有UMFHA可以检测独麦素,如果麦卢卡蜂蜜无法证明含有独麦素,则可以怀疑当前检测的蜂蜜是否为麦卢卡蜂蜜。 |
研究人员最近发现,人们食用麦卢卡蜂蜜后,独麦素确实会进入血液,因此,独麦素的重要性与日俱增。 |
未来的研究集中在独麦素进入血液对健康有哪些益处。 |
UMF™麦卢卡蜂蜜可以保存很长时间,但新西兰麦卢卡蜂蜜中的2300多种生物活性成分,在按照正确的规程采收、包装和运输的情况下,其寿命可达3年或更长。 |
请看我们的零售商和会员品牌页面,以确定可能的零售商或适合您的品牌。 |
您可以采取几个步骤。 |
首先寻找包装上的UMF™质量标志、许可证号和批号。 |
然后,您可以在此网站上核实您正在查看的品牌是不是注册的UMFHA许可持有者。 |
然后,您可以联系品牌或请UMFHA检查,是否有与批次和许可证号相匹配的发布证书可以发给您(应该有)。 |
收到发布文件后,您可以扫描二维码以检查其是否正确。 |
最后,UMF™拥有国际实验室网络,已获准检测麦卢卡蜂蜜的品质和纯正度。 |
在极端情况下,我们会将真伪存在疑虑的蜂蜜送到这些实验室进行分析。 |