Egmont Honey Ltd
Waimete Honey Co
Egmont Honey is a family owned business, operating out of the pristine South Taranaki countryside, abundant in Manuka Forests. The Waimete Stream, which runs through the remote Waitotara valley is especially significant to us, as our family were pioneers in the area and have spent generations developing the land for sheep and beef farming. It’s this area that gave us inspiration for our latest range, Waimete Manuka Honey.
The small tin hut that our logo depicts is an artist impression of the original dwelling that served as a staging post for various family members over the generations, travelling between the village and remote farmland. This very same hut is still used today, at various points of the year as a base for our beekeeping operations. The land remains as remote and rugged as ever, with many of our hives transported in and out via helicopter.
It is this remoteness that ensures the Manuka honey we produce is of the highest and purest standard that we can achieve.